I guess it's time to finally admit it. Out loud even. No sense denying it, it's as plain as the nose on my face. I, Tammi, am a Koolaid drinker. A Company Girl......an easy mark in some folk's mind. Oh, if you want my buy in you better be clear, have details, show me the money as it were. But yeah, if you know your stuff and can make a great presentation, show me how it works for ME? Yeah, I'm in.
And man does it piss people off.
Seems in this day and age there is no such thing anymore. It's all about the proverbial ME. And while I do take care of ME, I still believe that a success is only TRULY a success if it benefits everyone.
This all leads me to a bit of a teaser. See, I went a training class that really opened my eyes. It's changing the entire way I look at not just my job but my life. And I think everyone should have the chance to learn these tricks and tips. And by everyone I mean most certainly my employees.
So, out of my pocket - because at the time it wasn't sanctioned - I bought the reference books and set up a mini class to share what I've learned with those that report to me. See, while it's a great system, if everyone around you isn't using it, it's not as effective. Oh, it still works, but if everyone is on the same page it makes things run a lot smoother.
Because I believe the old adage "it's better to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission", after I bought the stuff and scheduled the training I told my boss. At first she wasn't too keen on the idea. Then in yesterday's call she announced what I am doing, told me to order the books for EVERYONE in her area and get ready to go out and train anyone that wasn't in the class.
Well, darn. That kinda changes what I was going to do. Now, it's got to be a complete, very polished presentation. Oh, I wasn't going to go half assed on this, but this wrenches it up a notch or twelve.
Did I mention that my class is set for day after tomorrow? Yeah.....and the end of next week I'm going on vacation for a long weekend. So, that means today is all about this presentation. I need to bring my A+ game.
And I'm planning on sharing some of this on the blog. Because it's using tools that anyone and everyone can benefit from. But, maybe that's just me.......drinking the Koolaid again. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
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