Tuesday, April 3, 2012

True Confession

A few truths that I'm just a little embarrassed to admit to.....

1) I love that my team calls me Boss. Not that I feel superior, but (right or wrong) I take it as respect. It's either that or Miss Tammi, and neither is ever said in a snide or mean way. I am the Boss, and I enjoy every bit that title entails. Hard or easy.....I wouldn't have it any other way.

2)  Even if I HAD time to go out and about, I don't remember how to just "make friends".  I've gotten too used to the internet. It's the a cross between that and work that I've made very friend I have in my life currently. Kinda sad....but true.

3) I want to lose weight, quit smoking and get in shape, but I have limited ambition. So I figure if I have to choose, dieting is the easy thing. And right now, I'm all about easy.

4) I don't know that I would accept a different job right now if it were offered to me, no matter where it is. I'm getting used to SoCal, I do love my job and well, frankly speaking, I'm sick to death of moving.

5)  In line with #2, as lonely as I am I have no desire to start dating again. If I could just go the Mail Order Marine route I would.......other than that, it's just too much for me right now.

Yeah.....that's about all the soul bearing I can handle for an evening. I figured if I'm going to put this out there, and me + blogging = me doin' this stuff, it's best to do it now when I have a whomping 13 visitors a day. With any luck it'll end up nice and buried in a very active archive......


  1. FWIW, on #1 I never asked for either of those.......

  2. 13 is a good number. Quitting smoking is easier than you think. The patch or gum works great!

  3. Hey - most of my friends are now on-line friends. No time to cultivate any other. My most steadfast friends - going back to early internet days are 3 women - we do an online chat every Sunday night - been doing that for 15 years or more. They know more about the real me than anyone who is actually "living in my space/time". Somehow you feel free to let the dark side out with on-line friends.

  4. That's actually very sweet that they call you Boss and Miss Tammi. Respect: you earned it!

    Re: 5 - If I didn't have Artie, I'd be alone. There's nothing out there for me. Unless, of course, you really could mail order a Marine... ;)

  5. On number 3... I have a book about Willpower. Basically they say your number 3 would be an overload of epic proportions and would be doomed to fail if you try to take on all 3 at once. So, choose one thing and do it well. Then move on to the next once you've accomplished what you want to from the first one.

    In this case, you have chosen diet - so forget the other 2 and work on that. Once you get near your goal weight, decide which of the other 2 you want to tackle and move on to that. Eventually you'll get them all done.

    As for the mail order Marine... I'm betting you aren't the only one looking for one of those guys. ;-)
