Thursday, March 8, 2012


I started reading blogs back in 2002. And I started with Milblogs. I was desperate for information about the war. I needed to know what was going on, and I wanted the truth. I started reading Matt over at Blackfive and a few blogs that are now, sadly, no longer with us. Thru Matt I was introduced to some amazing folks. One of which is my very dear friend Laughing Wolf. A life changer there, let me tell you. Another gentleman I was reading and commenting on was a Navy Pilot going by Lex. At first I was very nervous to comment, I mean seriously, these folks were amazing. And so smart. And Lex? Wow. But they were not arrogant in their intelligence or abilities. No, instead they would email me, we would talk and they told me I should start blogging. And I did. The first 2 people I told when I started my blog were LW and Lex. And from my first post they supported me. Introduced me to their readers and helped my blog become more than just another in the fray.

Blogging changed my life. I discovered I could tell stories. I could touch people. And I met more amazing folks, people I would never have come in contact with if it weren't for that blog. In short, I became a better person. I was challenged to think, to express my opinion in a clear way. And a lot of that came from my new friend Lex.

One of my fondest memories was getting to attend a MilBlog Conference in DC. I was finally going to get to meet and break bread with some of these friends that I had come to care so much about. I cannot tell you how excited I was. And it started as soon as I arrived. I was standing at the table when I hear this voice say "I know that tall gorgeous woman!" (let me just say, military men know how to sweet talk a girl!) I turned around and there stood this handsome man with a mischevious smile and a twinkle in his eye. Lex. I was finally going to hug my good friend Lex. It was a wonderful time. To HEAR the stories is even better than reading them, trust me when I tell you this. As great as it was to read everything he wrote - the stories about flying or family, the post where he kicked off a wonderful conversation about politics - to HEAR them was 1,000,000 times better. I am SO lucky to have had that opportunity.

So late Monday it was a kick in the gut to get a Facebook message saying there was a chance that Lex was gone. See, there was an accident, and they were pretty sure it was his plane. All I could think of was No! It just can't be true. And then, as more details came to light I became obsessed with the information NOT getting out until the family had time to gather, to process, to start the mourning process. See, when Daddy's plane crashed it was on the news hours and hours before we, his family, knew. I never want anyone to have to deal with that. No one. Especially not the family I had come to know and care about thru my friend. It just shouldn't happen.

So tonite there are almost a dozen wakes scheduled to honor this Good Man that so many loved. For such a sad occasion, I'm really looking forward to it.

And I have a ton of ideas for here. For the first time in years I find myself thinking "Ohh, I need to blog that."

No, I have no illusion that I am anywhere near as talented as Lex, or that my writing is anything like his. I never have. But he liked it. He appreciated it. And for that I'm grateful. Knowing someone like him, and having his support changes a girl. And for that.....I will always have a very special place in my heart. Lex, know you are loved and will be missed.


  1. Whatever the reason, I'm glad you're back and willing to share some of your life with us. Missed you!

  2. Yay! You're back. Blogging really changed when FB entered the lists. It looks like the pendulum is swinging back again and that makes me happy. I hope tonight's wake is a celebration of Lex with great stories... that would be the proper thing to do.

  3. Welcome back... I have continued to check back periodically waiting and hoping...

    And a wonderful first post back... Lex will be missed, and through his wonderful writing, he impacted far more than he would ever have realized... Sadness...

    But joyous to see you back!

  4. I am with Pinch...Welcome back

  5. Yay you! I was hoping you'd be back...
